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Clean Code with Java examples
1. Clean code - From art to science (2:48)
2. What people say (4:39)
3. Sample code (3:03)
4. Empathy (3:12)
Clan code: Small functions
5. Small functions are easy to understand (18:15)
6. More advantages of small functions (8:17)
7. How many lines should a function have (3:34)
8. Single Responsibility Principle (1:33)
9. Levels of Abstraction - An MVC discussion (11:42)
10. High Level First - write code using method calls (3:13)
Clean code: Fundamental principles
11. Names - for methods, classes and variables (7:27)
12. Parameters (4:37)
13. Programming line length (1:52)
14. Beautify predicates (1:11)
15. Comments (4:30)
16. Should I use exceptions (0:41)
Clean Code: Advanced principles
17. OOP Objects vs Data Structure Objects (4:38)
18. Composition over Inheritance (5:16)
19. Symptoms of Bad Code (2:03)
20. What is state in programming and why is it important (5:40)
21. Low Coupling, High Cohesion (7:43)
22. Command and Query Separation, Tell Don't Ask and The Law of Demeter (5:22)
23. Test Pyramid and Test Driven Development (3:50)
24. Is over-engineering a solution to bad code (spoiler - it isn’t) (3:02)
25. YAGNI (1:51)
z. project (2:03)
7. How many lines should a function have
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