10 step overview
Building a buyer persona is a cornerstone to any marketing strategy. Not only that, a company that is unable to empathize with its target customers can never hope to be customer-driven. And, if you don't know your customers and their goals, objectives, or pain points, your marketing programs will never produce the ROI you want.
Your success starts in prioritizing and understanding your market segments and the persona(s) who live in those segments. But completing a buyer persona template is not just a rote exercise. Every component must be carefully chosen and thoughtfully analyzed. That's why in the introductory lessons you discovered what an effective persona is, what it is not, and why you most definitely need one.Now it's time to get started. Whether you work for a large company with an army of product managers and marketers, or if you are lone marketer in a start-up, the process of developing a target persona is the same. These 10 steps will guide you to success in both creating a high quality target persona, and more importantly, aligning your sales and marketing teams for success.
Be sure to download the PDF of the complete course presentation.