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AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Exam Prep
AZ-204 Course Welcome
Overview of the Azure Developer Exam (2:01)
Why Cloud Computing is Cool? (4:19)
Frequently Asked Questions
Amazing Microsoft Resources
Installing PowerShell (5:25)
Virtual Machines
AZ-204 Course - Starting Tips (2:19)
What is a VM? (5:09)
Create Your First VM (6:48)
Continue Creating a VM (8:31)
Connect to a VM using RDP (4:55)
Add a Web Role to a Windows Server (3:01)
Virtual Machines for Developers (3:23)
How to Deploy ARM Templates
Download ARM Template (6:13)
Azure Virtual Machine Quiz
DEMO: Create a VM in PowerShell (7:22)
DEMO: Create a VM in CLI (5:02)
Azure App Service
Introduction to App Service (3:44)
App Service Plans (4:46)
Create Web App (3:53)
Deploy a Web App (3:23)
Create WebJobs (2:33)
Deployment Slots (4:53)
Enable Diagnostics Logs (6:39)
DEMO: Create a Web App in PowerShell (4:03)
DEMO: Create a Web App in CLI (3:09)
DEMO: A look at az webapp up (3:08)
The WebApp Console (4:24)
Code Samples: App Service
Azure App Service Model Quiz
AZ-204 Containers
Introduction to Containers (4:23)
Install Docker for Windows (5:36)
Publish to Azure Container Registry (7:08)
Azure Container Instances (5:57)
Web App Containers (3:27)
Function App
Introduction to Function Apps (13:37)
Durable Functions (7:54)
Visual Studio Functions (6:09)
Code Samples: Durable Functions
Function App Quiz
Azure Storage Accounts
Overview of Azure Storage Options (8:16)
Creating an Azure Storage Account (5:20)
Create a Blob Container (4:49)
Access Keys and Shared Access Signatures (5:30)
Introduction to CosmosDB (8:02)
Create a CosmosDB Collection (6:46)
Develop for CosmosDB (9:06)
Setting Data Consistency Options (5:41)
Code Samples: Cosmos DB Quickstart
CosmosDB Quiz
Cosmos DB Todo App Code, Line By Line (11:21)
SQL Database
Relational Database Storage (5:32)
Create SQL Database (7:01)
Test SQL Database (3:59)
Set Geo-Replication (4:14)
Updating SQL Database Firewall (3:45)
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) (2:46)
Insert Data to Azure SQL Database (6:03)
Code Samples: SQL DB
SQL Database Todo App Code, Line By Line (7:26)
Blob Containers
Create a Blob Container (4:41)
Copy Files with AzCopy (8:07)
Acquire and Break a Lease (2:23)
Storage Access Tiers (4:37)
Code Samples: Azure Blobs
Azure Authentication
Introduction to Azure Active Directory (3:11)
Create Your First Azure AD (5:46)
Access Azure AD Using Code (1:58)
Build and Publish Your Azure AD App (5:29)
Register an Application with Azure AD (3:05)
Create a Test User and Test Your App (4:38)
A Peek at the Code (2:45)
Multi-Factor Authentication (2:56)
Code Samples: Azure Active Directory
Azure Access Control
Role Based Access Control (RBAC) (7:06)
Using Shared Access Signatures (SAS) (6:47)
Secure Data
Data Encryption and Storage Accounts (4:06)
Data Encryption and SQL Databases (4:18)
Azure Key Vault (9:29)
Code Samples: Azure Key Vault
Scaling Apps and Services
Manual Scaling of Azure App Service (6:19)
Automatic Scaling of Azure App Service (7:10)
Virtual Machine Scale Sets (4:24)
Scaling a Single Virtual Machine (3:49)
Handling Transient Faults (7:17)
Code Samples: Scaling App Services
Caching and Content Delivery Networks
Introduction to Redis Caching (6:20)
Reading and Writing to Redis in .NET (6:34)
Creating a CDN Profile (5:25)
Creating a CDN Endpoint (4:37)
Using a CDN in Your Application (4:21)
Monitoring and Logging
Virtual Machine Logging (6:57)
Function App Logging (2:03)
Azure Monitor (7:35)
Consuming Azure Services
Logic Apps (9:18)
Azure Search (5:41)
API Management (6:52)
Configure API Management (5:49)
Test the API (2:46)
Event Grid and Event Hub (6:10)
Application Messaging
Azure Storage Queues (8:13)
Service Bus Queue (7:16)
Thank You! (3:14)
Set Geo-Replication
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