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Arduino Step by Step 2017 Getting Started
Introduction to the course
What is this course about?
Tools you will need
Parts you will need
How to get the most out of this course
Know your Arduino
Getting to know the Arduino Uno: Atmega328P, USB, Shields
Getting to know the Arduino Uno: Pins, power, clock
Using the digital output pins
Using the digital input pins
Using the analog output pins
Using the analog input pins
Section Quiz 1
Introduction to communications
Serial (UART) communicationsns
I²C (TWI) communications
SPI communications
Section Quiz 2
Arduino boards
Meet some members of the Arduino family
Introducing the Arduino Mega 2560
Introducing the Arduino Due
Introducing the Arduino Zero
Introducing the Arduino 101
Introducing the Arduino Pro Mini
Introducing Arduino-compatible boards
Section Quiz 3
Prototyping basics
Using the breadboard
Using jumper wires
The absolutely essential tools
Powering your Arduino with power supplies
Using the multimeter to measure voltage
Using the multimeter to measure current
The multimeter - Resistance and continuity
Introduction to soldering - the soldering iron
Soldering - preparation and using holders
Soldering - using wire cutters and fume extractor
Soldering - Simple maintenance tips for your solder iron
A demonstration of soldering a header onto a breakout board
An introduction to protoboards
Section Quiz 4
The Arduino IDE
An introduction to the Arduino IDE
Understand the basic parts of an Arduino sketch
The Arduino IDE - Understanding the Preferences pane
The Arduino IDE - Understanding the Menu items
How to upload a sketch to your Arduino
How to upload a sketch to your Arduino - For Windows users
Section Quiz 5.
Introduction to Arduino Programming
An introduction to Arduino programming
Understand the basic parts of an Arduino sketch
Getting started with custom functions
Creating custom functions with parameters
Using variables
Understanding variable scope
Understanding constants
Introduction to control structures: The "if" statement
Introduction to control structures: The "while" statement
Introduction to control structures: The "For" statement
Introduction to control structures: The "Switch" statement
Digital output - how to control an LED
Digital input - how to read the state of a button
Analog input - how to read the state of a potentiometer
Analog output - how to create a fading LED
Introduction to the RGB (color) LED
Wiring the RGB LED
RGB LED: creating colors
Using a library to control an RGB LED with PWM
Learning more with the Arduino language documentation
End of section quiz
Measuring light and color
What is a photoresistor and how to wire it
How to select the appropriate fixed resistor for a photoresistor
Using the Ultra-Violet light sensor
An introduction to the RGB Color sensor
Wiring the RGB Color sensor
Mini project: copy a color to an RGB LED using an RGB Color sensor
End of section quiz
Measuring temperature, humidity and pressure
Using a DHT22 sensor to measure temperature and humidity
An introduction to the Thermistor
Wiring the Thermistor
How to calculate the temperature from the thermistor resistance
Thermistor: getting a temperature using a library
Thermistor: improving the accuracy of analog readings with AREF
An introduction to measuring temperature with the TMP36
Wiring the TMP36 and a demonstration sketch
An alternate wiring of the TMP36
An introduction to the MCP9808 for very accurate temperature readings
MCP9808: Wiring
Using the MCP9808, demo and sketch walkthrough
MCP9808: A closer look at I2C addressing
An introduction to measuring barometric pressure with the BMP180
Wiring the BMP180 and first sketch walkthrough
A first demo sketch for the BMP180
A second demo sketch for the BMP180
End of section quiz
Detecting acceleration
Introduction to detecting acceleration with the ADXL335
Wiring the ADXL335
Plugging the ADXL335 directly in the Arduino, and detect its orientation
Write the sketch for detecting orientation with the ADXL335
End of section quiz
Detecting objects with the infrared motion sensor
Introduction to the Passive infra-Red (PIR) motion sensor
A simple PIR experiment with an LED
A demonstration of using the PIR sensor with the Arduino
PIR sensor first demonstration sketch walkthrough
PIR sensor second demonstration sketch walkthrough
End of section quiz
Sensing distance
Introduction to the ultrasonic distance sensor
Wiring and understanding Trigger and Echo
How to calculate distance
End of section quiz
Sensing sound
Introduction to the analog sound sensor
A demonstration and sketch of the analog sound sensor
A demonstration and sketch of the digital sound sensor
End of section quiz
Making noise with a buzzer
Introduction to the buzzer
Playing music
Control the sound volume
End of section quiz
The Liquid Crystal Display
Introduction to the LCD
LCD wiring in 4-bit parallel mode
LCD demonstration sketch
Display sensor data in the LCD
Connect LCD using the I2C adaptor
Using the RGB LCD and buttons shield
End of section quiz
What's next?
Introduction to the analog sound sensor
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