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Arduino OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
1. Introduction
1.1 Welcome! (2:52)
1.2 Why OOP for Arduino? (4:25)
1.3 List of Materials (2:59)
1.4 Software Setup for the Course (6:31)
1.5 Project overview and how to get the most out of this course (3:23)
2. Your first Arduino Class - Led
2.1 Intro (2:48)
2.2 Create the Led Class Structure (2:33)
2.3 Add Attributes to the Led Class (3:03)
2.4 The Led Class Constructor (6:50)
2.5 Add Methods to the Led Class (4:03)
2.6 Use your Class in your Program - Create an Led Object (6:36)
3. Organize the Class in a Clear Way
3.1 Intro (2:38)
3.2 Create a Header File for the Class (5:38)
3.3 Create a Cpp file - Separate the Interface from the Implementation (5:54)
3.4 Recap and How to Use and Read the Interface (4:54)
3.5 Extra: Make Your Class an Arduino Library (5:18)
4. Circuit for the Course
4.1 Build the Circuit Step by Step (10:42)
5. Your turn - Push button Class
5.1 Intro (4:10)
5.2 Create the PushButton Class Header File - Interface (5:14)
5.3 Create the PushButton Class Cpp File - Implementation (4:15)
5.4 Create a PushButton Object to Read the Button’s State (3:47)
5.5 Handle Pull Up & Pull Down Resistors in the Class (5:19)
5.6 Add More Abstraction to Know When the Button is Pressed (7:15)
5.7 Debounce the Button Inside the Class (8:32)
5.8 Combine LEDs and Buttons - Work with Multiple Objects (7:41)
6. LedBlinker - Use a Class Inside Another Class
6.1 Intro (1:55)
6.2 Create the LedBlinker Class and Init the Led Inside (13:29)
6.3 Toggle Led State from LedBlinker (8:20)
6.4 Make the Led Blink Without Delay - Inside the Class (9:47)
6.5 Add some Getters and Setters (5:38)
6.6 Application Example - Make 3 LEDs Blink at Different Rates (5:36)
7. Your turn - Traffic Light System
7.1 Intro - Final Project Overview (5:00)
7.2 The Interface and Main Program (help to get started) (4:32)
7.3 Setup the TrafficLight Class (15:13)
7.4 Add Methods to Init and Toggle Between the Leds (8:58)
7.5 Add a State Machine Inside the Class (8:32)
7.6 Use Time Functionalities to Wait Between Different States (15:05)
7.7 Create a Class for the Potentiometer (8:09)
7.8 Modify the Leds Brightness with the Potentiometer (14:03)
8. Conclusion
8.1 Project Conclusion and Improvements (2:56)
8.2 How to Build an Arduino Project with OOP - Best Practices (3:08)
8.3 What to do next (2:00)
5.7 Debounce the Button Inside the Class
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