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How do I do _____ in SpriteKit?
First Section
01. Downloading Xcode
10. How to repeat lines of code with a for loop
20. Adding in your own art
04. How do I add a sprite to the screen
00. Introduction
03. Introduction to Xcode
17. How do I scale an object over time?
13. How do I add in SKActions?
14. How do I repeat an SKAction forever
02. How this course is set up
06. How do I create a sprite on a touch and use touch location
09. How do I generate random number and spawning co-ordinates
07. How do I move a sprite around the screen?
18. How do I fade in a sprite
15. How do I rotate an object constantly?
05. How do I set an object to a specific screen size
8 instructor course
08. How do I add in physics to the game object
19. How do I destroy objects?
11. How do I randomize Color?
12. How do I create a random size?
16. How do I pass numbers into functions
01. Downloading Xcode
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