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Fundamentals Of Productivity
Productivity fundamentals
Productivity overview - I want you to be the best (5:36)
Helpful practice activity to start the course: journal of your distractions (5:35)
Opening up time in your day through the right focus on the right tasks (7:29)
Chunking and Pomodoro techniques (4:47)
Automation, delegation, and budgeting introduction (4:09)
Running your business with 1-hour / day work with outsourcing/automation (3:26)
10-20% of your time to work ON IT vs. IN IT (6:38)
4 happiness hormones and how they affect our productivity, motivation and mood (6:51)
Happiness chemicals and hormones graphic (3:53)
Zeigarnik effect - uneasiness about not finishing a task (1:50)
Gaining perspective: the ability to identify and focus on what's most important (2:39)
Overwhelmed? break big tasks into small and manageable ones - put less pressure (5:54)
10-20% of your time to work ON IT vs. IN IT
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