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The Ultimate Guide to Game Development with Unity 2019
01_Get Unity_Reboot (3:29)
Project Setup
01_Create A New Project Reboot (2:06)
02_Editor Overview Reboot (2:58)
03_Navigating the Scene View Reboot (1:59)
04_Minipulating GameObjects in Unity Reboot (3:19)
05_Creating GameObjects And Applying Materials Reboot (6:47)
06_Professional Layout MUST WATCH Reboot (5:13)
01_Player Setup Reboot (3:05)
02_16 9 Aspect Ratio Reboot (1:03)
03_Starting Player Position Reboot (8:43)
04_Moving The Player at the Speed of Sound Reboot (6:53)
05_Moving the Player at a Normal Speed Reboot (3:54)
06_Speed Variable Reboot (8:13)
07_Challenge User Input Reboot (6:35)
08_Challenge Review User Input Reboot (6:46)
09_Challenge Player Bounds Reboot (9:56)
10_Challenge Review Player Bounds Reboot (2:51)
11_Code Cleanup Reboot (5:35)
12_Facebook Community And Discord Reboot (1:11)
01_Laser Setup Prefab Reboot (5:41)
02_Instantiate Laser Reboot (10:05)
03_Challenge Laser Behaviour Reboot (2:11)
04_Challenge Review Laser Behaviour (2:08)
05_Challenge Destroy Laser Reboot (1:33)
06_Challenge Review Destroy Laser Reboot (3:09)
07_Challenge Laser Position Offset Reboot (1:45)
08_Challenge Review Laser Position Offset Reboot (1:14)
09_Cool Down System Reboot (5:57)
10_Code Cleanup Reboot (2:44)
01_Enemy Setup (1:50)
02_Challenge Enemy Behaviour (2:18)
03_Challenge Review Enemy Behavior (4:46)
04_Challenge Destroy Enemy And Trigger Collisions Reboot (10:11)
05_Challenge Review Destroy Enemy And Trigger Collisions Reboot (2:23)
06_Player Lives And Damaging Reboot (12:01)
07_Code Cleanup (1:31)
Spawn Manager
01_Spawn Manager Setup Reboot (2:07)
02_Challenge SpawnRoutine Reboot (7:03)
03_Challenge Review SpawnRoutine Reboot (5:58)
04_Tidy up the spawning Reboot (4:29)
05_Stop Spawning When Player dies Reboot (9:58)
Prototype to Production
01_Course Asset Overview AND Import (3:59)
02_Nebular Background Sprite (4:57)
03_Player 3D to Player 2D Reboot (2:52)
04_Enemy 3D to Enemy 2D Reboot (6:02)
05_Laser 3D to Laser 2D Reboot (5:01)
Powerup - Triple Shot
01_Creating the Triple Shot Prefab (2:05)
02_Challenge Triple Shot Behavior (3:06)
03_Challenge Review Triple Shot Behaviour Reboot (2:54)
04_Challenge Triple Shot Powerup Behavior (4:00)
05_Challenge Review Triple Shot Powerup Behaviour Reboot (2:34)
06_Challenge Triple Shot Powerup Implimentation Reboot (2:08)
07_Challenge Review Triple Shot Powerup Implimentation Reboot (3:29)
08_Challenge Destroy Parent Triple Shot (1:12)
09_Challenge Review Destroy Parent Triple Shot Reboot (1:34)
10_Animate Triple Shot Powerup (4:21)
11_Challenge Spawn Tripleshot Powerup (1:31)
12_Challenge Review Spawn Tripleshot Powerup Reboot (4:08)
13_Cleanup and Organization reboot (1:42)
Powerups - Speed Boost
01_Challenge Modular Powerup Script Reboot (5:50)
02_Challenge Review Modular Powerup Script Reboot (3:05)
03_Switch Statement Optomization (3:18)
04_Challenge Speed Boost Implimentation reboot (1:22)
05_Challenge Review Speed Boost Implimentation (9:04)
06_Spawning the Speed Boost Reboot (6:12)
07_Challenge Animate Speed Boost (0:46)
08_Challenge Review Animate Speed Boost (1:59)
Powerups - Shields
01_Challenge Shields Setup (0:38)
02_Challenge Review Shields Setup Reboot (2:23)
03_Add Shields to Spawn Manager reboot (0:51)
04_Challenge Shields Behavior reboot (3:10)
05_Challenge Review Shields Behaviour reboot (2:50)
06_Challenge Shield Visualizer reboot (1:55)
07_Challenge Review Shield Visualizer Reboot (2:53)
08_Shield Visualizer Animation Reboot (1:13)
01_Score Text UI Setup Reboot (6:17)
02_Challenge Score Implimentation reboot (6:14)
03_Challenge Review Score Implimentation Reboot (9:05)
04_Lives Display Reboot (8:07)
05_Challenge Game Over Text reboot (1:30)
06_Challenge Review Game Over Text Reboot (2:37)
07_Challenge Game Over Text Flicker (0:43)
08_Challenge Review Game Over Text Flicker (2:40)
09_Challenge R Key to Restart Level reboot (2:14)
10_Challenge Review R Key to Restart Level reboot (10:50)
11_Creating the Main Menu reboot (11:13)
01_Enemy Explosion Setup reboot (7:44)
02_Challenge Enemy Explosion Implimentation (3:49)
03_Challenge Review Enemy Explosion (7:50)
04_Challenge Astroid Behavior (3:16)
05_Challenge Review Astroid Behavior (1:53)
06_Challenge Explode the Astroid reboot (3:26)
07_Challenge Review Explode the Astroid reboot (5:21)
08_Controlling the Spawn Wave Through the Astroid (3:50)
09_Player Thursters reboot (1:44)
10_Challenge Player Damage Visualization reboot (3:01)
11_Challenge Review Player Damage Visualization (5:52)
Post Processing
01_Install Post Processing Package (1:06)
02_Applying Post Processing Effects Reboot (6:54)
Game Audio
01_Background Music Reboot (2:13)
02_Challenge Laser Shot Sound (1:33)
03_Challenge Review Laser Shot Sound (6:24)
04_Challenge Explosion Sound (0:43)
05_Challenge Review Explosion Sound reboot (5:17)
06_Challenge Powerup Sound reboot (0:25)
07_Challenge Review Powerup Sound reboot (8:12)
01_Deployment Options (0:40)
02_PC Mac Linux Build reboot (3:22)
03_Web GL (2:43)
Space Shooter Extras
01_Extras Intro reboot (0:25)
02_Enemy Explosion Bug Fix (2:10)
03_Challenge Enemy Fire reboot (0:27)
04_Challenge Review Enemy Fire reboot (17:06)
05_Challenge Quit Application in Unity (0:44)
06_Challenge Review Quit Application (1:11)
01_Create new Unity Project (0:44)
02_Level Setup (2:40)
03_Player Setup (1:44)
04_Collectable Setup (1:28)
01_Challenge Player Movement Horizontal (4:40)
02_Challenge Review Player Movement Horizontal reboot (1:34)
03_Challenge Adding Velocity (1:01)
04_Challenge Review Adding Velocity (1:14)
05_Challenge Applying Gravity (2:03)
06_Challenge Review Applying Gravity (1:04)
07_Challenge Jumping (1:44)
08_Challenge Review Jumping (1:15)
09_Fixing our Player Jump Behavior (5:22)
10_Challenge Double Jump (2:17)
11_Challenge Review Double Jump (3:48)
02_Challenge Review Coin Collection and Display (6:51)
01_Challenge Coin Collection and Display (3:21)
Moving Platform
01_Camera Follow (1:02)
02_Challenge Moving Platform (8:47)
03_Challenge Review Moving Platform (4:57)
04_Challenge Player Moving with Platform (2:21)
05_Challenge Review Player Moving with Platform (4:41)
01_Challenge Remove a Life and Respawn (3:27)
02_Challenge Review Remove a Life and Respawn (11:36)
Project Setup
Sci_Fi_Demo_65_Project_Setup (2:23)
Sci_Fi_Demo_66_Importing_Assets (1:54)
Sci_Fi_Demo_67_Lighting (14:06)
Player Setup
Sci_Fi_Demo_68_Player_Setup (5:58)
Sci_Fi_Demo_69_Player_Movement (12:37)
Sci_Fi_Demo_70_Local_Space_Vs_World_Space (4:43)
Sci_Fi_Demo_71_Mouse_Look_Part_1 (12:13)
Sci_Fi_Demo_72_Mouse_Look_Part_2 (4:22)
Navigational Mesh
Sci_Fi_Demo_73_Navigational_Mesh (5:18)
Sci_Fi_Demo_74_Weapon_Setup (3:53)
Sci_Fi_Demo_75_Challenge_Crosshair (3:10)
Sci_Fi_Demo_76_Challenge_Review_Crosshair (4:37)
Sci_Fi_Demo_77_Raycasting_Part_1 (12:25)
Sci_Fi_Demo_78_Raycasting_Part_2 (5:38)
Sci_Fi_Demo_79_Challenge_Muzzle_Flash (4:54)
Sci_Fi_Demo_80_Challenge_Review_Muzzle_Flash (2:49)
Sci_Fi_Demo_81_Challenge_Hit_Marker (5:34)
Sci_Fi_Demo_82_Challenge_Review_Hit_Marker (4:30)
Sci_Fi_Demo_83_Challenge_Weapon_Sound (0:40)
Sci_Fi_Demo_84_Challenge_Review_Weapon_Sound (4:07)
Sci_Fi_Demo_85_Challenge_Ammunation_System (5:42)
Sci_Fi_Demo_86_Challenge_Review_Ammunation_System (4:53)
Sci_Fi_Demo_87_Display_Ammo (7:30)
Coin Pickup
Sci_Fi_Demo_88_Coin_Setup (3:25)
Sci_Fi_Demo_89_Coin_Behaviour_Challenge (2:12)
Sci_Fi_Demo_90_Challenge_Review_Coin_Behaviour (10:14)
Sci_Fi_Demo_91_Coin_FX (1:47)
Sci_Fi_Demo_92_Challenge_Inventory (2:27)
Sci_Fi_Demo_93_Challenge_Review_Inventory (3:08)
Weapon Sale
Sci_Fi_Demo_94_Weapon_Sale_Setup (2:44)
Sci_Fi_Demo_95_Challenge_Shop_System (3:20)
Sci_Fi_Demo_96_Challenge_Review_Shop_System (5:47)
Sci_Fi_Demo_97_Shop_System_Cleanup (3:02)
Sci_Fi_Demo_99_Destructable_Behaviour (7:13)
Sci_Fi_Demo_98_Destructable_Setup (2:55)
Post Processing
Sci_Fi_Demo_100_Weapon_Fix (4:56)
Sci_Fi_Demo_101_Music (2:07)
02_Editor Overview Reboot
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