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DevOps on AWS: Learn to set up your infrastructure on cloud
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Definition
Pros and cons for cloud computing
Software Methodologies
Introduction to DevOps and AWS
Building Infrastructure on AWS
Signing up to AWS
Securing your Account
AWSCLI installation and configuration
Instace requirements
Running your first instance
Deploying a web server in the cloud
Cloud Formation and Troposphere
Introducing Cloud Formation
Working with troposphere
Working with troposphere (2)
Adding output to the template
Uploading the template to CF
Introducing Git
Setting a Complete Environment
Introducing Ansible
Setting up Dynamic AWS Inventory
Running your first Ansible command
Using Ansible playbooks
Introducing Ansible roles
Creating a role for PHP
Creating a role for Apache
Introducing Ansible pull
Verifying our cron job
CI/CD Best Practices
What is CI,CD-
The Jenkins role
Create CF template for Jenkins
Deploying Jenkins
Writing and testing our code
CI in Jenkins
Creating the staging EC2 instance CF template
Install CodeDeploy on the staging environment
Create the Code Deploy service
Creating continuous deployment using CodeDeploy and CodePipeline
Adding output to the template
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