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Information Gathering : Basic to intermediate level course
Introduction to Information Gathering
001 Objective and Outcome (1:03)
002 Introduction (1:03)
Masking Identity
003 Masking Identity (1:08)
004 SSH Tunnelling (3:38)
005 HTTP Tunnelling (3:09)
006 TOR The Onion Routing (1:53)
007 Proxy Chains (0:55)
008 Proxy Trojans (4:27)
009 VPN (2:00)
Individual Profiling
010 Social Profiling of an Individual (3:03)
011 Career Profiling (1:13)
012 Exercise 1-Social and career profiling
013 Exercise 2-Social and career profiling
014 Automated Tracking of the Target information (1:06)
015 Email Address Harvesting (1:06)
016 Email Tracking (2:24)
Organization Profiling
017 Competitive Intelligence Gathering (1:57)
018 Human Resource and Infrastructure Mapping (2:32)
019 Exercise 1-Organisation Profiling
020 Exercise 2-Organisation Profiling
Web Based Information Gathering
021 The Website (1:17)
022 Website Architecture (1:59)
023 Website Infrastructure
024 The Domain (1:20)
025 IP Address (2:13)
026 Exercise 1-Website Information Gathering
027 Exercise 2-Website Information Gathering
Network Based Information Gathering
028 Network Based Information Gathering - An introduction (1:02)
029 Mapping the Network (1:30)
030 Checking for Machines to be Up (1:17)
System Based Information Gathering
031 System Based Information Gathering (0:48)
032 Ports A Brush Up
033 TCP and UDP Headers and Role of Flags (3:18)
034 TCP or Full Open Scan and Half Open Scan (1:52)
035 Idle Scan (1:57)
036 ACK and FIN Scan (1:23)
037 NULL and XMAS Scan (2:05)
038 Targeting the Operating System and Host Names (0:37)
039 Active OS Fingerprinting (0:58)
040 Passive OS fingerprinting (1:03)
041 SMB Versioning (1:00)
The Essential Contents of Hackers Toolkit
042 Google Hacking (2:40)
043 Exercise 1-Google Dorking
044 Exercise 2-Google Dorking
045 Exercise 3-Google Dorking
046 Dark NetDEEP Web and Shodan HQExploit DB (1:40)
047 Non- Technical Attacks (1:36)
024 The Domain
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